Measuring Your Child for a String Instrument

How to measure for a string instrument (without an instrument)

  • Grab a yardstick or measuring tape.
  • Have your child stand up straight facing you.
  • Arm Length: Lift the left arm and extend it fully to the side, palm facing up, fingers flat and straight out. Place measuring tape against the side of the neck, and measure from the neck, down the arm to the center of the palm.
  • Finger Span: Spread fingers out and measure across from tip of index finger to tip of pinky finger.
  • Height: Stand straight and measure from top of head to feet.

How to measure for a Violin (without an instrument)

Violin Size Arm length measurements in inches
1/16 14" - 15 3/8"
1/10 15 3/8" - 16 7/8"
1/8 16 7/8" - 18 1/2"
1/4 18 1/2" - 20 3/8"
1/2 20 3/8" - 22 1/4"
3/4 22 1/4" - 23 5/8"
4/4 (Full Size) 23 5/8" +


How to measure for a Viola (without an instrument)


Viola Size Arm length measurements in inches
 11"  21" and below
 12"  21" - 22 1/4"
13" 22 1/4" - 23 1/2"
14" 23 1/2" - 24 1/4"
15" 24 1/4" - 25 3/8"
15 1/2" 25 3/8" - 26 1/4"
16" 26 1/4" - 27"
16 1/2" 27"+


How to measure for a Cello (without an instrument)


Cello Size Player's Height Arm Length Finger Span Player's Age
1/8 3 1/2 - 4 feet 4-6 years old
1/4 3 1/2 - 4 feet 18" - 20" 3" - 4" 6-8 years old
1/2 4 - 4 1/2 feet 20" - 22" 4"- 5" 8-10 years old
3/4 4 1/2 - 5 feet 22" - 24" 5" - 6" 10-12 years old
4/4 5 feet + 24" and up 6" and up 12 years and up


How to measure for a Bass (without an instrument)


Bass Size Finger Span Height
1/8 Less than 3 3/4" 4' 5" - 4" 8"
1/4 4" - 4 3/4" 4' 8" - 5'
1/2 5" - 5 3/4" 5' - 5' 4"
3/4 6" + 5' 5" +
